How Often Do I Need an Eye Exam?

Regular eye exams are not only about checking your vision; they are an integral part of maintaining your eye health. During an eye exam, an eye care professional will evaluate your eyes for signs of potential eye problems and diseases. 


The early detection of eye conditions is crucial since most show no symptoms in their early stages. These include diseases like diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma. By the time symptoms become noticeable, they may have already advanced. How often you schedule an eye exam matters.


General Guidelines for Eye Exam Frequency 


The recommended frequency of eye exams depends on several factors. These include age, existing eye conditions, and health. A comprehensive eye exam every two years is ideal for adults with healthy eyes and no risk factors. It allows for regular monitoring of your vision and eye health. It ensures any changes get addressed promptly.


Children and Adolescents 

Children and adolescents need special attention when it comes to eye health. Their vision is still developing. Early detection of vision problems is crucial for their development and academic performance.


Pediatric eye exams begin around six months of age. They continue at various milestones, like three years old and before starting school. Regular eye exams for children without vision problems are ideal every two years.


But if a child has existing vision issues or a family history of eye diseases, more frequent exams may be necessary. These specialized exams assess visual acuity, eye teaming, and tracking skills. They detect any refractive errors or eye conditions that hinder their visual development.




A comprehensive eye exam every two years is enough for adults between 18 and 60. It helps monitor vision changes and detect common eye conditions. These exams include visual acuity tests and refraction assessments to determine prescription needs. They also entail eye health evaluations. Regular eye exams allow for early detection of refractive errors and help ensure vision correction. 


Adults Over 40 


The risk of developing age-related eye diseases increases once you reach the age of 40. Experts recommend having comprehensive eye exams more often, usually every one to two years. These exams focus on assessing eye health. They check for conditions like glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. Early detection of age-related eye disease is crucial to preserve further deterioration. 


Individuals With Existing Eye Conditions


Regular eye exams are vital if you get diagnosed with an eye disease like diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration. The frequency of these exams will depend on the severity and progression of your condition.


Your eye care specialist will provide personalized recommendations based on your needs. Regular monitoring is crucial to check the effectiveness of your treatment plan. It helps address any changes in your vision and prevent further complications.


Contact Lens Wearers


Contact lens wearers should undergo regular eye exams. It helps assess their eye health and ensure proper fit and prescription of their lenses. Have a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year. Do so even if you have perfect vision and your lenses are comfortable. These exams help detect corneal infections, dry eyes, and other complications.


For more about eye exams, visit The Optical Centre at our office in Longmont, Colorado. Call (303) 772-6650 to book an appointment today.

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